Privacy & Cookies

The Neno Macadamia Trust is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation newly registered in England and Wales (number 1184696). See Charity Commission pages.

Our website does not use or collect data from cookies but only stores small pieces of your data only on your device, and only for your convenience, such as when you revisit the site.
Your local device stored data can be cleared by pressing   Clear local data.

The only personal data received by NMT via our website is when:

The third party systems which NMT use from this website are JustGiving, PayPal, Mailchimp, GiveAsYouLive and AmazonSmile. They provide NMT with their own accepted purchaser or donor information - as controlled by you, the purchaser or donor. This may include email & contact details and information for the provision of services (such as provision and delivery of NMT CDMC's via PayPal purchaser data).

Donor and CDMC purchaser information is only held for the purposes of updating donors of NMT activities or for the provision of services of the NMT CDMC scheme.

This site has Contact via Mailchimp and the accepted methods agreed by both NMT and yourself and independently through the Mailchimp website services.

This site embeds YouTube videos which therefore includes cookies subject to your own YouTube cookies settings.

Keep up-to-date with how we are working to build food security in Malawi